Tracy has individual Advance Registration appointments this week. These appointments are for Student populations who are eligible for advance registration include: Honors, military, ROTC, student athletes, student
workers, and those with accommodations through Student Access and Accommodation Services for advance registration. Go to the CJS Advising page and click on Tracy's link or scan the QR Code to sign up for one of these appointments.
Jazmyn has individual appointments this week. Go to the CJS Advising page and click on Jazmyn's link or scan the QR Code to sign up for an appointment.
Megan has individual appointments available. Go to the CJS Internships page and click on Megan's link or scan the QR Code.
Megan will also have her normal Drop-ins on Wednesday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
To sign in for a scheduled appointment (not a Drop-in), click "I have a scheduled appointment".
To sign in for Drop-ins, click, "I'm here for a drop-in appointment".
Please note: Choose Sign-in using Single Sign-On / Personal Email Address, then Login using ULID and password, then choose the button with your advisor's name.
**If you aren't able to see the ULID and password boxes, zoom out and you should be able to type in them. If you have problems, email**
Reminder: Tracy Hanson advises undergraduate students whose last names begin with A-Q, and Jazmyn Thomas advises undergraduate students whose last names begin with R-Z, who are on Academic Probation, or who are part of the TRiO/SSS Program.
Tracy's Zoom link is
Jazmyn's Zoom link is
Megan's Zoom link is