Katelyn McDougall

College of Business - College of Business Advising

Katelyn McDougall

Welcome College of Business majors!

Academic Advisement Provided For:

Marketing, Last Name A-K

Business Education

PLEASE NOTE: I only advise declared College of Business majors that are sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Any Non-College of Business majors may contact Ginny Smith at glsmith@ilstu.edu with any questions or concerns. 


Appointments are first come, first serve and they are posted on a weekly basis. If no appointments are available and/or you prefer a quick one semester advising request, then please fill out the form below: 


Please read the information below before scheduling an appointment

1. Be prepared for your appointment. Please bring a list of courses that you would like to take as well as any questions or concerns that you have.

2. Arrive on time to your appointment and cancel in advance if you are unable to attend.

3. Schedule early, as appointment times will fill quickly!

If you have questions that do not require a 30-minute appointment, please contact me through e-mail at keshiel@ilstu.edu. Please remember that during registration, email responses can take anywhere between 2-3 business days.

Select a date to see Available Dates:
Available Dates:*

Available Time Slots:*

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